Pastoral & Spiritual Care
FPC encourages all members and friends to take a moment to pray around noon every day. This is when all members and friends ask of themselves: "Am I living as a Disciple of Christ?" Listen to God when you pray. Share your faith by sharing this message with others. Subscribe to Daily PrayersPSST
Prayer Shawl Second Tuesday
Attention crocheters and knitters…prayer shawls are symbolic of God’s presence during our times of need, and the congregation’s love and support. Anyone with an interest in knitting or crocheting a shawl is invited to make a shawl and drop it off at the Church Office. The group meets monthly to socialize while we create. Can’t meet? Feel free to contribute shawls anyway.
Knit for Kids: The prayer shawl ministry is expanding! For many years, members of the Prayer Shawl group have knitted and crocheted prayer shawls for the ill and bereft in the congregation. In addition, this past year, the group was asked to provide shawls to home-bound members at Christmas, to young people in the confirmation class, and to infants at baptism. We were able to provide as many shawls as were needed and more!
This fall we are expanding our horizons even farther by knitting and crocheting sweaters, hats and blankets to children in need through the Knit for Kids program.
Since 2009, Knit for Kids has been under the direction of World Vision. Knit for Kids is a Christian ministry that, through volunteers, provides sweaters, hats and blankets to children nationally and globally. If you are interested in contributing a knitted or crocheted item, please place it in the “Knit for Kids” box found in the main church office. Once a boxful of items is collected, it will be shipped to Knit for Kids in Sewickley, Pennsylvania for distribution.
Communion to the Furthest Pew
Communion to the Furthest Pew is served to members unable to attend church on dates immediately following communion at church.
Operation Love
Operation Love is a member-to-member outreach for those with short term needs such as transportation, emergency babysitting, or respite care.
In Touch Ministries
Congregation members provide one-on-one visits to congregation members and friends who have difficulty leaving their homes. This ministry keeps home-bound members “in touch” with the rest of the congregation.
Prayer Chain
The Prayer Chain connects those in need of prayer with church members who are committed to a ministry of prayer. Prayer requests may be sent to the church office and we will contact the prayer chain coordinator.